Professional Services Website Design mockups

The Challenge

People Measures was established in 2006 and is one of the most sought-after management and leadership consultancies in Australia, with offices in Sydney and Melbourne. Specialising in leadership development, talent management and executive coaching, one of their core values is 'Quality'. However the outdated design of their website was not representing this core value well. Moreover, the site was not ranking as well as they wanted for some particular keywords they were targeting.

The Solution

Knowing that SEO was a high priority, the process began with a detailed review of relevant search keywords, and a site structure was developed to support this. The visual design of the site aimed to bring the 'people' of People Measures front and centre – showing at a glance that this highly qualified team of experts are at the heart of what they do.

Immersive and unexpected interactions capture the attention of users, adding energy and vitality to a slick professional aesthetic that reflects the dynamic nature of this people-centred business. The website effectively showcases their businesses ethos, range of services, insights and vast experience to their audience of blue chip clients and large organisations.

As well as on-site SEO as part of the website project, People Measures are undertaking an ongoing program of SEO to improve their organic rankings.