Professional Services Website Design mockup

Parsons & Partners

The Challenge

Leading mortgage lawyer Samantha Parsons founded her new venture Parsons & Partners with a clear vision: to provide unparalleled service and put their clients at the absolute centre of everything they do. 

With a brand already in hand, we were approached to design a website that built on this and reflected Samantha's reputation for doing things differently. This was not to be a stuffy legal website full of stuffy legal language!

The Solution

Drawing on the deep purple colour palette of the brand and combining this with an elegant pale grey, white and sparing use of light orange as an accent, the bespoke design of the website is contemporary and spacious, with slick and subtle animation effects throughout. 

Key to the success of this project was professional photography and copywriting, both undertaken by our trusted recommended suppliers in collaboration with Samantha and her team. The straight-talking tone of voice, imagery of the expert team in action combined with the design aesthetic of the site delivers a great end result that gives powerful credibility to this new firm.